Recovery In
Progress Center
Residential Program
Our Licensed Residential Treatment Facility guides clients toward a life of recovery.
Each client receives an individually-designed plan focusing on long-term recovery skills that help improve overall health, including physical and emotional well-being. Education explores addictive behaviors, brain function, and personal responsibility helping the client toward integrating new skills and behaviors in their daily life.
Our program offers a planned regimen of 24-hour professionally directed evaluation, observation, and addiction treatment in a residential setting.
· Room and Board
· Substance Abuse Groups
· 12 Steps groups; includes AA, NA Celebrate Recovery
. Addiction Recovery
. Life Skills
. Social Skills
. Cognitive Behavorial Therapy
. Dialectical Behavorial Therapy
. Motivational Interviewing
. Culinary Therapy
. Wellbriety
. Medication Education
· Activity of Daily Living Skills/Social Groups
· Peer Support group, and
· 3 Meals per day
*Expressive Art Therapy*
Room & Board
Residential Housing
Recovery In Progress Residential Program offer to men in the early stages of sobriety who are transitioning to the next level of care. Our program provides much needed support during a critical time in rehabilitation; Recovery's peer mentors help clients establish a path to a better life through a safe and monitored re-integration into the community.
Peer Support
Life & Social Skills
The primary goal of Recovery In Progress Facility is to helping clients develop balanced, self-determined behaviors to meet the challenges of a life in recovery.
This means accepting a life filled with conscious choices, taking into consideration one’s own needs and the needs of others, as well as potential consequences of one’s actions.
Mental Illness
Mental Health Treatment Services
Co-occurring substance use treatment and mental health services are for those suffering from co-occurring disorders – such as mental illness and substance abuse – that both need treatment for either effort to be successful. These co-occurring diagnosis services integrate assistance for each condition, helping people recover from both in one sitting, at the same time.